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360 Wellbeing

How did we help ?

Purpose of Launching the Project

The project aimed to provide an affordable and comprehensive health and wellbeing solution through a mobile application, catering to individuals, SMEs, the self-employed, and their families.


How We Helped the Customer?
Throughout the project development, we maintained consistent communication with the client to understand their requirements, gather feedback, and ensure that the final product aligned with their vision.


Solutions and Functions

The solution involved developing the 360 Wellbeing Personal Support Programme (PSP) mobile application, which offered quick access to health services, appointments with therapists, and consultations with legal and financial experts. The app also provided discounts and financial benefits, making health and wellbeing services affordable for a wider audience.


Technologies Used

The technologies utilized for the project included Vue.js, Vuetify, Node.js, Strapi, nginx, MySQL, and Websocket.


Customer Reviews or Feedback

Client Testimonial : We couldn't be happier with the outcome of the health and wellbeing application developed by this software company. From the very beginning, they understood our vision and objectives, and throughout the entire journey, they kept us involved and informed.


Challenges and Achievements

Challenge: Creating an app that seamlessly integrates a variety of health and wellbeing services while ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Solution: We meticulously designed the app's user interface, focusing on intuitive navigation and streamlined service integration, resulting in a user-friendly platform.


Sector and Category

Industry: Health and Wellbeing

Category: Comprehensive Support App for Health, Wellbeing, and Lifestyle

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