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Wise Subcontractor Perks

How did we help ?

Purpose of Launching the Project

The Wise Subcontractor Perks project aimed to introduce an innovative mobile application designed to offer a comprehensive suite of health, wellbeing, and lifestyle benefits tailored for subcontractors and their families.


How We Helped the Customer?
Throughout the development phase, we maintained proactive communication with our client to grasp their specific needs, gather valuable feedback, and ensure the final product aligned perfectly with their expectations.


Solutions and Functions

The Wise Subcontractor Perks app provides easy access to essential health services, consultations with specialists, and personalized benefits including legal advice and financial consultations. By integrating discounts and exclusive offers, the app ensures these services remain accessible and affordable.


Technologies Used

Technologies utilized include Flutter for cross-platform mobile development, Vue.js with Vuetify for seamless web integration, Node.js for backend development, and Strapi for flexible content management. The application is supported by nginx and MySQL, ensuring robust performance and scalability. Real-time updates are facilitated through Websocket technology.


Customer Reviews or Feedback

Client Testimonial: "We are immensely satisfied with the Wise Subcontractor Perks app. The team understood our vision from the outset and delivered a solution that exceeded our expectations. Their constant support and innovative approach made the entire journey smooth and rewarding."


Challenges and Achievements

Challenge: Designing an app that seamlessly integrates diverse health and wellbeing services while maintaining a user-friendly interface.

Solution: We focused on intuitive UI/UX design principles, ensuring effortless navigation and effective service integration. This approach resulted in a user-friendly platform that enhances the overall user experience.


Sector and Category

Industry: Health and Wellbeing

Category: Comprehensive Support App for Health, Wellbeing, and Lifestyle

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